Navigating Peer Pressure Around Vaping

The number of teenagers who engage in vaping increases by the day, and most of them indulge in the activity due to peer pressure. 

A survey dubbed Teen 23 by BBC Rio 5Live and Bitesize found that a third of the 2000 participants (teenagers aged 13-18 years) vape, and 55 percent vaped as a result of peer pressure. 

Vaping was introduced to help adults quit smoking, but young people have taken to the activity, oblivious to the long-term effects. So, how can young people deal with peer pressure around vaping? Read on to find out.

What is vaping?

 Vaping is inhaling vapor produced by an electronic cigarette. The e-cig heats liquid until it converts to vapor, which can be inhaled. 

The liquid, which is also referred to as vape juice or e-liquid, may contain marijuana, oil, or nicotine and is added to the cartridge for heating. An e-cig has three components:

  • The battery: This is the part that heats the liquid in the cartridge
  • The cartridge: This is the container filled or prefilled with the e-liquid
  • Atomizer: This is the part that converts the liquid into vapor

Vaping has recently gained popularity, but you’d be surprised that the activity began ages ago. The first e-cigarette was invented in 1963 after Herbert A Gilbert filed a patent to design an electronic smoking device. Since smoking was ingrained in many people’s lifestyles, the idea never saw the light of day until 40 years later.

In 2003, Hon Lik, a pharmacist, decided to develop an electronic cigarette after losing his father to lung cancer. He invented an e-cig to administer nicotine without the other harmful chemicals. Lik wanted the device to serve as an alternative to traditional smoking. Vaping has since gained popularity, with an estimated 40 billion e-cigarette users by the end of 2023.

Why is Vaping Prevalent among Young People?

Statistics by the Action on Smoking and Health show:

  • The number of children (aged 13-18 years) vaping had increased by 50 percent year on year from one in 13 
  • 20.5 percent of children had vaped in 2023, an increase from 15.8 percent in 2022
  • Children and teenagers find out about vaping from shops promoting e-cigarettes

The alarming Statistics only echo the prevalence of vaping among young people. You’re probably wondering why it’s so: 

Peer Pressure 

One of the reasons the activity is so common is peer pressure. Teenagers often hang out with groups that influence each other to indulge in various activities, which can be positive or negative. 

Unfortunately, if your teenager has friends who are vaping, they’re likely to engage in the activity even if they’re not interested.


Vaping companies often deny that they’re marketing their product to young people, but features such as youthful colors, images, sweet flavors, and actors who are younger than 21 years entice young people to vape. 

Although selling vapes to children is illegal in the UK, shops can still give them out for free. The Action on Smoking and Health organization found that 2.1 percent of the children who had tried vaping got their first vape from an e-cigarette company.


According to the Action on Smoking and Health organization, over half of the young people who have never smoked, vape ‘to give it a try.’ Kids aged 13-18 are naturally curious and can be tempted to try the different vape flavors. 

Effects of Vaping

Vaping is often prescribed to people with nicotine addiction to help them stop smoking. A study to determine its effectiveness found that vaping was better than other nicotine replacement therapies like nicotine patches. 

Even so, young people have taken to the activity as a hobby, not to help stop smoking, making them susceptible to certain risks. In our WiseUp on Vaping course, we explore the consequences in-depth, so for this article, we highlight the health risks of vaping:

  • Nicotine addiction 
  • Substance abuse
  • Reduce focus
  • High risk of developing cancer
  • Lung injury
  • High blood pressure and heart rate

Ways Young People Can Deal with Peer Pressure Around Vaping

Since one of the primary reasons young people vape is peer pressure, it’s important to highlight ways they can deal with the problem:

Say No Respectfully and Firmly

You don’t have to be aggressive with your friends when they’re forcing you to try vaping. Decline the suggestion and remove yourself from the situation.

Indulge in a different activity

If you must hang out with your vaping friend, consider engaging in more constructive activity. You may go for a walk, play video games, or a sport. 

Consider the long-term Effects of Vaping

Vaping may be fun initially, especially if you’re using flavored e-juices, but the long-term effects can be detrimental. The consequences are particularly grievous in teenagers because their brains are still developing. Constant exposure to nicotine leads to addiction, making them susceptible to drug and alcohol abuse. 

Change Your Tribe

It can be challenging to say no to your friends, especially if you’ve known them for a long time. However, your loyalty does not oblige you to make poor decisions. You may need to find new friends if they can’t stop vaping.

Get Help

Consider reaching out for help from parents, guardians, teachers, or trusted pastoral team members. Some friends turn violent when compelling their mates to engage in an activity, making an adult’s intervention necessary. 


Remember that it’s okay to stand up for your values and make choices that prioritize your well-being. If you struggle, don’t hesitate to seek support from trusted adults or friends who share your perspective.

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